PDR Technicians; Do You Have Basic Retail Sales Experience? We Do! Part X

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Putting on a Show

If you want to have a good time at it, you must use this method to gain additional customers. This is a simple process; pick a high visibility location like at an Office Park or a really busy large Store parking lot, this could be Wal-Mart or maybe Kmart. Now you will go around and ask some people to watch and ask questions. If it’s a hot day, have lots of cold beverages in a cooler. Make sure that you have plenty of brochures, flyers or at the very least, business cards. Use cones and some type of ribbon, maybe crepe paper rolls like the ones used at kids’ birthday parties. Now take that ribbon taping of a section in the parking lot. The car will pull into your pretend body shop and away you go working on the dents in the view of anyone who is there to watch. While you are working, be sure to be answering questions along the way. Work and talk because you don’t want your current customer to wait too long for their services.

If you get overwhelmed with too many people, schedule the extras for another day. You might even suggest that if they tell a friend or two that you will give a group discount. This one stop should keep you busy for quite a few days. Do this over and over again in the same parking lot and you will get the reputation of being the dent guy. From there you just schedule the same day every week and your business will grow.

Remember to use balloons and even a tent during the hot summer months. Draw as much attention as possible and do it around noon. Any questions? Dent Repair School.




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